EUSA General Assembly 2021: Official Invitation

This year's General Assembly of the European University Sports Association (EUSA) will be organised in Budapest, Hungary from September 10-11, 2021, and it will also feature the EUSA Executive Committee Meeting and FISU-EUSA Strategic Dialogue.

City of Budapest - host of the EUSA General Assembly

The upcoming Assembly will be especially important as it is an electoral one, where the EUSA members' delegates will vote on the new Executive Committee to lead the organisation for the next four-year period. By changing the Statutes and Internal documents of the organisation on the EUSA General Assembly in Aveiro in 2019, we will have a chance to elect for the first time one student as a voting member of the Executive Committee and a chance to elect a more gender balanced Executive Committee.

Initial information with voting procedures has been already sent to the EUSA member associations, and more information, including the venue will be communicated later in the month.